EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. It is a number that is issued by a company. It is helpful when an employee needs to file a tax return. How to get EIN? To get an EIN or Employer Identification Number, an individual must have an SSN or ITIN number. Obtaining this number is only difficult for a foreign individual. However, some may wonder how to get EIN, in case they don’t have an SSN. Tax Id Number.
Why do you need it?
Before starting a new business, you need to get EIN as foreign individual. To get an EIN or SSN the following guide may help you get your EIN number.
For many who don’t know what is EIN. It is a unique identification Number that is also known as Tax ID. It is a number that does not match with any other business or company. This number is assigned by the US or IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as Tax Id number or Taxpayer Identification Number, this number is assigned by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Following are the business needs for EIN:
- Starting a Business
- For Bank Account
- Filling Tax
Why do most US Tax Identification (TIN) Numbers fail verification?
In case you are asked to provide your tax identification number (TIN) or tax id number, it may include your SSN (Social Security Number) and EIN (Employer Identification Number), to your existing accounts. However, we will verify this information by the help of the IRS. In case, your TIN verification fails, for that, you need to fill out a tax that is equivalent to form W-9.
Clearly, if the discrepancy persists, you may receive an IRS (Internal Revenue System) notice. This notice can help you to correct any mismatch.
Following are some common reasons why a TIN fail verification:
- Enter Invalid Tax Identification such as EIN, SSN, ITIN (ITIN in California).
- The name that appears on your PayPal account is not the same as the number that has been filed with the IRS.
- Your business name on your PayPal account is different than the legal business name.
Note Minor typographical errors. It may miss period or capitalization in a business name. which can be a reason why there is an IRS mismatch.
How IRS Tax ID Filing Service Can Help you?
We make sure to follow the steps that are required to ensure that your employer identification number application runs smoothly. However, you will receive your EIN or Employer Identification Number via E-mail on the same business day. Your application will soon be processed on the next business day.
You can easily apply for an EIN online today via our safe and secure website feature. However, if any individual has any query or concern, he can visit the FAQ section on our webpage to learn more. Tax Preparation Services in California.
Whenever someone tries to get his business started, there are a lot of problems that you need to prevent. You need to make sure how to properly fill out your EIN application. You may learn how to avoid error 101. This will ensure avoiding the pitfalls with business ownership.