Home » Web Applications and Different Types of Web Applications

Web Applications and Different Types of Web Applications

by digitallisha
Web Applications
We have witnessed change. Change in human behavior, change in nature, change in our lives, change in technology. And this change was about web applications that have changed the world of websites and mobile application development services now.
The “Web Application” notion was first presented in the Java language in version 2.2 of the Servlet Specification in 1999. Both JavaScript and XML had been constructed by that time, but Ajax was not yet formed, and the XMLHttpRequest object had just recently been presented as an ActiveX object in Internet Explorer.
The word Ajax was created in 2005, and apps such as Gmail began to make their user interfaces more engaging. Without downloading the complete web page, a web page script might contact the server to store/retrieve data.
Steve Jobs declared in 2007 that online apps built in HTML5 and using the AJAX framework will be the common template for iPhone apps. There was no need for a software development kit (SDK), and the apps would be fully embedded into the iPhone thanks to the Safari browser engine. This strategy was later used for the App Store in order to deter jailbreakers and placate disgruntled programmers.
Eric Bidelman (Senior Staff Developers Programs Engineer) announced Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) as a new benchmark in Web Development at Google’s annual IO conference in 2016. Google led the way with Progressive Web Apps, according to Jeff Burtoft, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft. “After a long process, we decided that we needed to fully support it,” he said. As a result, both Microsoft and Google supported PWAs.


A web application, unlike hard drive software programs that operate locally on the device’s operating system, is a software application that operates via a web or cloud server. The user uses a web browser with an established data connection to view web apps.


Types of Web Applications

  • Static Web Applications.
  • Dynamic Web Application.
  • Single Page Apps (SPA)
  • Multi-Page Apps (MPA)
  • Portal Web App.

 1- Static Web Application

Static web application development is among the sorts of web application development that serves straight to an end client via a browser. The most important thing to remember is that this form of web application displays essentially no content, such as server HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content, and is not very dynamic. Static Web Applications are commonly developed in HTML and CSS, but these are under no means the only phases in the development process; you can also use jQuery and Ajax, depending on your preferences and needs.

It is widely used just to put the information forward to the users without any responses from their side. Being clear and short without of much information or data, the static web application delivers the message in an exceptionally precise way.

2- Dynamic Web Application

A framework — a web application program that governs Website Development Services and stimulates support and services — is required for any exceptionally well web application. Here developers don’t have to worry about the responsiveness of the page but the server adjusts itself according to the device via the artificial logic that is inherited to them while development.
On a technical level, dynamic web apps are significantly more involved and sophisticated. They pile information in databases, and the content is updated each time a client visits. They usually have a management board and a content management system (CMS) where admins may manage or change application material, either text or images.
Among all the programming languages, PHP and ASP are the most widely used since they allow for content organization. In comparison to the Static Web, it has a lot of advantages, including easy content update. Collection of data and Content Management Systems are useful because they allow you to read, create, refresh, and delete data.


3- Multi-Page Web Application

A multi-page application is a web application that comprises a set of pages that are entirely updated whenever information on the changes. Any data update or transfer of data to the server causes the browser to show a new page.
It eases the task even if the app contains numerous web pages, each of which can be customized for a certain set of queries in order to receive free Google organic traffic. Expansion is simple. This architecture style lets you create as many fresh pages as you want for each item or service, as well as make adjustments to them. MPA development typically necessitates a minimal technology stack, and there is also a wide choice of ready-made systems (CMS) available.
Web analytics solutions, such as Google Analytics, can be simply integrated into such a sort of project and allow you to track the success of each business page.


4- Single Page Web Application

A single-page application is a browser-based application that does not require the user to refresh the webpage while usage. Considering some of the programs we use on a regular basis: Facebook, Google Maps, Gmail, Twitter, these are forms of SPAs.
The user experience (UX), in which the user experiences a natural habitat of the app without waiting for page reloads as well as other things, is one of the finest advantages of a properly set SPA. JavaScript allows staying almost on the same page, which makes the usage more subtle without any disturbance to the user.
The rapid performance of single-page applications is their primary benefit. The majority of the data elements that a SPA requires are from HTML + CSS + Scripts which are loaded when the app is first launched and do not have to be refreshed throughout use. The information that is delivered from and to the server seems to be the only thing different. As a result, the program responds quickly to user requests and does not require client-server communication every time.

5- Portal Web Applications

Portal web apps are a sort of web application that enables users to go to other sections from the main page. Gateways are great for organizations and companies since they allow you to build your own profile page. Which allows you to take care of all the related data of that web app or platform. It may be your images, transactions, chats, or anything.
But it also restricts your complete control over the platform to maintain the system and a smooth flow. And it’s not only but anyone except the owner of the platform
Portal web applications are flash and they do maintain to show the content and data and information within an instant without any delay. If the changes are done on the portal, the page is refreshed manually by the user and the server then updates the data that is changed.


Last Lines
Progressive web apps are very much smaller in size and they are blazing fast. But still, Apple’s safari tends to accept and support a few of many PWAs which are crafted especially for them. On the other hand, Android supports web apps very easily and lets users use all the mentioned features of PWAs as a user wants. So, we have not completely shifted to web apps yet. But after the statement of Microsoft’s support to Google’s initiative, I’m certain, android play store will soon be filled with web apps.

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