Home » How to Choose the Best Shampoo and Wash for Your Baby?

How to Choose the Best Shampoo and Wash for Your Baby?

by linamet

The skin barrier of a baby is 30% thinner than an adult’s, which means they are more susceptible to dryness and irritation. The first few months after birth your child’s immune system also hasn’t developed yet so it takes even less for harmful bacteria or viruses to enter their body!

The market is flooded with so many options when it comes to the best baby shampoo and wash. This makes parents feel ignorant, not knowing which product will be best for their toddlers and infants’ hair health! However most brands available today have been clinically tested – meaning they’re free from side effects but there’s no guarantee in this world either way because every single one has a different ingredients list depending on who manufactures them or where they get produced.

Here we’ll take a look at some emerging trends that might help you find your next favourite product

Read Labels Carefully:

There are many baby shampoos on the market today. However, some of them may contain chemicals and not be tested for safety by clinical trials which can result in harmful effects such as allergies or phthalates. It’s important when choosing a product that you read its label thoroughly so we know what ingredients might potentially affect our little one negatively!

Check online reviews

The market is filled with different types of skin care products for babies; however, you can consult your pediatrician before purchasing organic shampoos. Additionally it’s recommended to read customer reviews and look at the reputation of any brand that might be put forth in an online purchase decision because there may not always seem like enough information available on these websites alone!

Go for Clinically Tested Shampoo

The best way to avoid any potential problems when it comes time for you and your baby’s first bath is by investing in a dermatologically tested product. Some chemical ingredients found within shampoos, such as CAPB (Cocamidopropyl Betaine), may cause allergies or irritation of the eyes which could lead towards more serious medical issues later down life-path so always go gentle on their sensitive skin!

Oil and shampoo from the same brand

The only way to keep your baby’s hair healthy and strong is by nourishing it with the right products before shampooing. That means you should buy both a product for oily scalp, as well as one that will moisturize their locks from root-to-tip after washing – like Ethique Shampoo & Body Wash Bar For Babies & Kids. It has been specially formulated for babies’ delicate skin so they can enjoy squeaky clean fun without any harmful chemicals or irritants found in most commercial shampoos.

Go for vitamin-boosted shampoo/wash

There are many types of baby shampoos available on the market today. One type that is worth looking into for your little one’s hair will be those enriched with Vitamin E, D and A to nourish their scalp as well as provide protection against dandruff.


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