Home » How Can I Make My Canon Pixma TS9120 Printer Work Better: A comprehensive guide

How Can I Make My Canon Pixma TS9120 Printer Work Better: A comprehensive guide

by printerhelpdesk

The Canon Pixma TS9120 printer is a high-quality printer. The computerized printing system and wireless capability make this printer worth every penny. In this article we are going to describe How Can I Make My Canon Pixma TS9120 Printer Work Better in the most easy way. By following these steps you will be able to start cannon TS9120

What is Canon Pixma TS9120 Printer?

Canon Pixma TS9120 is a reliable printer that can provide you with great quality prints. It also has a number of features that make it stand out from other printers. For example, the printer can print at speeds up to 6 pages per minute and it offers ultra-smooth text printing on both sides of the page. The multi-function ink system allows users to have both black and color ink unlike most printers do. You’ll find it easy to share documents with this printer. It’s also easy for you to keep your print cartridges organized because the cartridges are stored in their own individual slots.

How To Change Ink Cartridge In Canon Pixma TS9120?

Changing the ink cartridge in an ij start cannon TS9120 is not as easy as it sounds. This is because the printer uses an ink pack that needs to be manually removed and replaced with a new one. You have to make sure that there’s no ink on the cartridge before you put it into the machine. There are a couple of ways that you can do this, including running water over the cartridge or using compressed air. The first and easiest way is to remove the ink cartridge from the printer and then insert a new one into the housing of your existing cartridge. This method can be used if your old ink cartridge is still full. You just need to remove the old cartridge from the printer, replace it with a new one, and then place it back inside

How to Install Ink Tank in Canon Pixma TS9120?

Installing the Canon Pixma TS9120 ink tank is not difficult. However, you might need to know a few things about this feature. The ink tank is a little plastic tube that is typically located inside the printer. It’s purpose is to store the ink that comes with your ij start cannon TS9120 printer. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, it will always be important for you to keep an eye on the ink level so that you know when to replace it. 

One of the first steps in setting up a new printer is making sure the ink tank is installed. This typically isn’t a hard task, but sometimes it can be. There are many different models of ink tanks available for this printer, so you will have to find out which one your particular model uses before you can install it properly. If you don’t know what type of ink tank your printer needs, then contact Canon for more information on how to install it.

How to Enable Bubble RAM on Canon Pixma TS9120?

To ensure that your Canon pixma TS9120 printer is working as expected, check the status of the RAM in your printer. First, locate and then remove the bubble from the left corner of the ink tray cover. Next, open up the front cover of your printer by removing any previous screws. Once you’ve removed all those screws, gently pull out on the front cover of your printer to detach it from its right side chassis.

How to Clean the Clogged Nozzle on Canon Pixma TS9120?

To clean the clogged nozzle on Canon Pixma TS9120, you will need a small brush and some water. You should use this procedure when the ink starts to drop out of the droplets in your printout. Also, you should do this if your printer starts to make a squealing noise when printing.

How To Repair Carriage Register Connector on Canon Pixma TS9120 Printer?

The carriage register connector is a part of the printer that performs one function, which is to ensure that there are no paper jams. This particular part can become defective, however, and show signs of damage. The first step in repairing this connector is to determine if it needs repair or replacement. If the connector looks like it might be damaged, contact your local Canon Printer Service Center.


The Canon printer is a top-of-the-line printer that can offer various services. It prints beautiful and vibrant photos, textual documents, and posters. It also has a large ink tank that allows you to print up to 600 pages without having to worry about running out of ink.

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