Home » Bhramri Pranayama Method, Benefits and Precautions

Bhramri Pranayama Method, Benefits and Precautions

by arti kanwar
Bhramri Pranayama Method, Benefits and Precautions

Bhramri Pranayama –

Today we will try to give you detailed information about Bhramri Pranayama. Will tell you how to do this pranayama. Its regular practice has benefits. Will give you all the information.

As the name suggests, it is pranayama. There are many benefits of practicing which. Bhramri pranayama is most beneficial to those people who suffer from stress. There are many other benefits of this pranayama. About which you will learn further.

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What is Bhramri Pranayama?

This breathing technique is named after the black Indian Kit Bhanwara. Which is also known as Bhramar.Bhramri pranayama means breathing exercises while making sounds like eyebrows. In this pranayama, while exhaling, a tone is made similar to the humming of an eyebrow.

Method of doing Bhramri Pranayama –

Below we are telling you about the easiest method of doing Bhramri pranayama so that you can easily do this pranayama.

  • Close your eyes and sit upright in a cool, airy room. Bring a smile to your face by focusing your mind.
  • Place your index fingers on the ears. There is cartilage (soft bone) between your cheek or ear. After that place your index finger on the cartilage.
  • Take a deep breath and as you exhale, gently press down on your cartilage. Now keep pressing your cartilage while making a loud sound of dawn.
  • You can also make out the sound in a low voice. But for good results, it will be fine to make loud noises.
  • Breathe again and repeat this process 6 to 8 times.
  • Keep your eyes closed for some time. Feel the Shwednao or peace happening inside the body.
  • By the way, you can also practice Bhramri pranayama lying on your back or taking your right side. In such a situation, just make the sound of humming and do not worry about keeping your finger on the ear.
  • You can practice Bhramri pranayama 4 to 5 times daily.

Benefits of Bhramri Pranayama –

There are many benefits of doing this Bhramri pranayama. We will try to tell you one by one about all its benefits. So that you can take full advantage of Bhramri pranayama.

  • The biggest advantage of doing this asana is that it helps a lot in keeping your mind calm.
  • If you get angry about small things, then you can control your anger by practicing Bhramri pranayama.
  • If you are under stress all the time, then you can practice this pranayama regularly to get rid of stress.
  • With regular practice of this pranayama, you start being happy with the consciousness of the mind. By which you can also avoid many types of diseases. Because your being happy eliminates many of your diseases.
  • If you are satisfied with lust. You have a desire to have sex all the time, if dirty thoughts keep coming to your mind, then you should practice this pranayama. You can control your lust.
  • By practicing this pranayama you remain worry-free, it relieves you from worry.
  • You can practice this pranayama even if there is a feeling of mild fever or mild headache.
  • It greatly increases your concentration ability. Due to this your subconscious mind does not wander here and there and it becomes very easy for you to work.
  • It also helps a lot in removing your migraine.

What precautions should be taken while doing Bhramri pranayama?

Once the method of this pranayama is learned from a yoga instructor in the right way, from child to elder person can get the benefits of this pranayama. Only one thing is worth keeping in mind and that is it is mandatory to do Bhramri pranayama on an empty stomach. If you have any problem related to ears, then you should not practice this asana.

The special thing about Bhramri pranayama is that you can do this pranayama easily by taking out some time anywhere in your home or office at your convenience. It should be yours.

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What should be kept in mind during Bhramri pranayama?

While practicing this pranayama it is very important to keep some things in mind. So that this asana can be done easily and without any problem. Below we will tell you about some special tips for doing this asana. So that you can do this pranayama easily.

  • You should keep this thing in mind while practicing Bhramri pranayama. So that your finger is not inside the ear, your finger should be on the top of Cortolz.
  • While doing this asana, do not press the cartilage tightly.
  • Keep your mouth closed while humming sounds.
  • While doing this pranayama, you can also keep your finger in Shanmukhi’s posture.
  • To sit in Shanmukhi posture, place the thumb on the cartilage.
  • Place the index fingers on the forehead slightly above the arms, the middle fingers above the eyes, the ring fingers above the nostrils, and the little fingers above the lips and ears.

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