1. NFT Marketplace
NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a type of token that represents ownership of digital assets. These tokens have no intrinsic value and cannot be traded for fiat currency. Instead, they represent unique assets that are only valuable due to their scarcity.
The NFT Marketplace is a decentralized platform where users can trade and buy/sell NFTs.
2. Pog
Pog is a blockchain-based game engine that enables developers to create free-to-play games without coding. Users can play these games directly on the Ethereum network using Ether as payment.
3. NFT
NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens. NFTs are tokens that represent ownership of digital assets. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs do not have any inherent value and instead represent unique assets that are scarce and hard to obtain.
4. ERC20 standard
ERC20 is a standard that defines how a token should behave when being transferred between wallets.
5. ICO
An Initial Coin Offering is a fundraising method for start-ups that involves issuing a certain amount of cryptocurrency tokens for sale.
6. DApp
A Decentralized Application is a software application that runs on top of a blockchain. A DApp is different than a website because it does not rely on a central server.
1. NFT Marketplace
The NFT Marketplace is a decentralized platform where anyone can create their own tokenized asset. Anyone can use the NFT Marketplace to launch their own tokens and sell them to others. The NFT Marketplace is powered by blockchain technology and uses smart contracts to facilitate transactions.
2. CryptoKitties
CryptoKitties is a game built around collecting and breeding digital cats. Players buy breed and trade virtual cats on the Ethereum blockchain. Each kitty comes with its own unique ID number- called a KittieID- which serves as both its username and its address on the blockchain. A player’s kitties are stored at his/her account address on the blockchain, just like real-world property deeds.
3. ERC20 Token Standard
ERC20 stands for Ethereum Request for Comments 20. It is a technical standard that defines how Ethereum addresses should be formatted. It provides developers with tools to build applications based on the Ethereum protocol.
4. ERC777 Token Standard
ERC777 is a technical standard that describes how to implement custom tokens on top of the ERC20 standard. It provides additional functionality beyond what is provided by the ERC20 standard, including a recovery method in case someone sends you a malformed transaction.
5. ERC1155 Token Standard
ERC1155 is a technical standard that extends the ERC20 and ERC777 standards. It adds functionality to allow users to transfer any amount of ether between accounts.
6. ERC1218 Token Standard
ERC1218 is a technical standard that specifies how to handle dynamic updates to smart contract parameters.
7. ERC1300 Token Standard
ERC1300 is a technical standard that provides a framework for managing the creation of child tokens off of parent tokens.
About Rip Bull Networks: Rip Bull Networks is a software company based out of San Francisco, California. As a product organization, they seek to build original and cutting-edge products to help bring people together while being physically apart. They have worked to improve common work chat software to fit dynamic teams better across the globe. Their software can be used by businesses large and small, and they are consistently working to improve the platform for a variety of users around the world.
Contact Information: Brandon Gutierrez Rip Bull Networks (650) 437-1236 [email protected] Post navigate