UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply is essential power supply equipment that provides a constant power supply without interruption. However, in a normal operation, the online UPS pulls current from AC mains and during a power failure; it pulls current from its backup source.
Online UPS is one of the most beneficial things one can have installed in their commercial space for everyday use. These Uninterruptible Power Supply devices help maintain and balance the electrical load throughout your office. However, a UPS can go towards failure with time. Some signs might alert you earlier and tell you when your online UPS has reached its lifetime, and it is time to change it. Below are five major signs that alarm you to change it.
Taking Longer to Charge
Generally speaking, when an online UPS is going towards failure, the battery takes a long time to charge up again. When you plug in the charger, you’ll feel that it is taking a long time to re-energize completely. Be that as it may, when it is working, it is getting dischargers effectively and loses all its battery in a short measure of time. This is one of the signs that show that your UPS is failing and is calling to be replaced soon for effective workings.
Been There for a Long Time
This is one of the most apparent marks. If you have had your UPS for a really long time, it is unavoidable that at one point in time, it is surely going to fail. This will happen particularly if you have not gone for occasional maintenance service done for it. So, here is the time to replace it sooner or later as it can’t last long. And occasional maintenance service plays a vital role in enhancing the longer life of any power supply equipment.
Signs of Failure
Several UPS often display signs of failure by blinking different panel lights. Or the lights on the UPS might start lambent and acting out bizarrely. This is a sign that marks your UPS is not working efficiently anymore. This can be seen in several cases where people may have complained or reported about it.
The Supply Capacity of UPS Lowers than the Required
UPS often supplies a fixed proportion of capacity. However, once it starts failing, the quantified capacity rate becomes lesser, which is a prime sign of UPS failure.
Battery Alarm
If your online UPS device has a low-battery alarm, you will be alerted when your battery is drying out and requires to be immediately changed. Thus, whenever you come across this alarm, it will be a marker that your Online UPS battery requires a replacement immediately.
Nexus UPS Online Store –Your Perfect Solution
If your UPS is going through such issues and have been accordingly notified and again with time and warnings from your UPS that it is reflecting towards a failure. It is ripe time you come to us
– Nexus UPS (India’s Largest Online Ups Manufacturer), and we will provide you with the ideal quality UPS system with longer, sturdy battery lives and ones that won’t run out of their effective functioning anytime soon.